Online Course » EC09 Extended Care - Health and Safety

Course Description:
This purpose of this module on health and safety is to introduce the basic concepts of nutrition, healthy life styles, symptoms and signs of illness, medication issues, responding to environmental emergencies, and safety issues and practices.
Course Objective:
1. Describe the basic concepts of nutrition, dietary needs, and medication management. 
2. Identify symptoms and signs of illness and risk behaviors. 
3. Identify the steps for promoting client safety and responding to environmental emergencies. 
4. Describe basic good health practices that promote healthy lifestyles. 
5. Describe the importance of infection control and the role of standard precautions. 

Intended Audience:
Direct support professionals, case managers, nursing assistants, health aides 
Author Bio:
The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, Inc. also known as Providers’ Council is a statewide association of health and human service agencies. Founded in 1975, the Providers' Council is the state's largest human service trade association and is widely recognized as the official voice of the private human service provider industry. Providers’ Council founded and deployed the first online curriculum and credential programs for direct support professionals and continues to enhance this curriculum with current data and workforce practices.
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